How To Overcome Worry and Anxiety In Life Of Christian

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How To Overcome Worry and Anxiety In Life Of Christian

How To Overcome Worry and Anxiety In Life Of Christian
Have you found yourself in daily struggling to overcome worry and anxiety? Do you have worry and anxiety as the “main occupants” of your heart? Do you find it difficult obeying all the promises of God about you because you have allowed these two “enemies of progress” to destroy your confidence in the word of God?

If all of the above apply to you, then I advise you to read with great attention every other detail in this report. Let me inform you that you are not alone in this. Some years ago, I was in the same boat with you. I constantly worry over everything. Anxiety filled every space of my heart.
I found it difficult executing most of my projects! Now, I am happy to tell you that I am now a much better person. I found a weapon to fight these two “enemies.” My beloved, I am about to share with you practical things you can do to overcome worry and anxiety.

  • 1. Understand This Portion of The Word Of God:
I was very excited when I discovered this passage in the Bible, Matthew 6:25-26, 31-34 (TLB) “...Don’t worry about things-food, drink, and clothes. For you already have life and a body and they are far more important than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat- they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food – for your heavenly father feeds them.

And you are far more valuable to Him than they are. So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing...But your heavenly father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you will give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to. So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow. Live one day at a time”
The passage quoted above from the Master Teacher Himself (JESUS CHRIST) is full of great contents for the cure of these two problems. I marveled when I fully understood the message this passage is meant to pass across. Now, let us look at the contents in bits and pieces
  • “For You Already Have Life And A Body”
Your most important possessions are the life and the body you have. You should make yourself to understand that nothing can be more important than these. You should also force it into your understanding that the ONE who has given you a life and a body even before you are conscious of your existence has made provisions for their sustenance. So free yourself from the burden of getting yourself worked up because you want to care for these possessions.
  • "Look At The Birds”
You will need to take some time to watch the birds as they fly in the sky and perch in the trees. You should do this. I did it and I was able to learn a few things from their “worry- less and anxiety-free” way of living.
  • “You Are Far More Valuable To Him Than They Are”
Interesting! After your study of these birds, the Bible says you are more important to God than these birds are! If he provides for them, he will do more for you. Therefore, if the birds are just too relaxed and worry free, you should be more relaxed and worry free.
  • "And He Will Give Them To You If You Will Give Him First Place In Your Life And Live As He Wants You To.”
Now this is important. This is a “drug” for the cure of this “sickness”. Begin to think more about Him and His kingdom. I have replaced worry and anxiety with love for Him and His work on this earth. I will always be ready to post spiritual edifying messages that will promote His kingdom here on the earth on our website at
I will always be ready to talk about the gospel of Jesus at any gathering. I will always consider His rules before I go into any business deals. I will always be ready to use my resources to add values to lives and my society. I know when I do all of these and more; it is His responsibility to prosper the works of my hands so that I can always meet my needs. You can try this “drug” and I can assure you that you will begin to master the problems called worry and anxiety.
Let me also inform you that the passage above is a command and an advice. God is commanding you not to worry or be anxious about anything! If a command is coming from God, who is the creator of the universe and all there is in it, then I think you must take time to consider His instructions. The quality of each advice you receive depends on the giver of the advice. If it is from God, then you know it is of the highest quality!
  • 2. Ask God For Solutions To Your Problem:
How many times have we kept our problems to ourselves! Some of us found it difficult sharing our problems with God. The Bible says in the book of James 4:2, “ fight and war, yet you have not, because you ask not” I was like this sometimes ago. I was keeping all of my problems to myself! I do not even share them with people not to talk of sharing them with GOD!
When I keep the problems for a long time, worry and anxiety come in and I become very miserable. Thank GOD, I know better now. I have always uploaded my problems unto God. I push everything on Him. He has the capacity to carry them. He is God. Therefore, He should be able to carry them!
This way I have freed myself from any form of worry. When it is time to sleep and it seems these two “enemies” are trying to keep me awake, I say a kind of “handing over prayer” to God. I have always slept peacefully afterwards! If you are so anxious about that problem and you get yourself worked up with anxiety every day of your life, God is asking you to ask Him for a solution.
He is a problem solver and He is so confident to invite you to pray to Him for a solution. Now I want you to read the way I say my prayer: “God I refused to get worried over this problem (I always mention the problem). God almighty please deal with the problem. Thanks for answering my prayer”.
I have even said this in the midst of friends under my breath! The good thing about this practice is that the Spirit of God has always responded with solutions to whatever problem I want to solve. Jesus says He (the Holy Spirit) will teach me and guide me into all truths (John 14). He has done this job very well. However, you will be limiting His activity in your life and situations if you don't share your worries with Him. Therefore, you should learn to pray about anything, even your worries and anxieties.
  • 3. Learn To Discard It Immediately:
Sometimes, you cannot do anything to stop these two “enemies” from gaining entrance into your heart. What you should do is to cultivate the habit of discarding them immediately they try to gain entry. Just like, you cannot prevent birds from flying over your head but you can prevent them from perching on your head. I also know that sometimes or most times you cannot stop junk mails from gaining entry into your mail inbox but you can prevent yourself from opening them.
When the worries and anxieties come, “chase” them away immediately. Do not give them the chance to settle down in your mind. They are “illegal visitors”! Therefore, “chase” them away immediately.
I am always on the lookout for these enemies. Immediately I recognize anything as a representative of worry and anxiety, I push them away immediately.
I know when they settle down in my mind, they will be ready to throw their “deadly punches” at me and this action can get me off balance and take my focus away from GOD. I hope you have gain some vital weaponry to fight against anxiety and worry as a Christian. These are practical things I have done to fight these two enemies of progress.

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